#AlmightyPeople Frank Booker
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Contine Shopping09.02.22
#AlmightyPeople Frank Booker

You've probably had a good groove to his music on the d-floor (we definitely have) so we'd love to introduce you to the man behind the magic, our friend and Almighty enthusiast, Frank Booker.
Tell us a little about what you do?
I try to make people dance: I am a DJ, music producer, sometimes-party-promoter and educator. A classic Jack-of-all-trades, master of none!
What do you love the most about it?
I love the connection that comes through music - be it the instant connection on a dancefloor, seeing people "get it", or being involved with people's musical education through teaching and showing how things intersect, connect and evolve. The feeling I get when a piece of music really moves me, I can't describe with words...So I guess that's what I try to channel when I DJ. I want people to feel that way!
When did you become Frank Booker?
I think around 2008. My birth name is VERY similar to a world famous DJ, and I used to get asked about it all the time. I was complaining to my mum about it, and she suggested "Why don't you use another family name?". Frankland was her maiden name, and Booker was my paternal Grandmother's maiden name, and thus...Frank Booker was born!
What’s your most-played track at the moment?
Oh, that's a tough one - I'm actually going through a massive J Dilla phase at the moment (after reading the excellent "Dilla Time" book by Dan Charnas - highly recommended!), so at the moment I'm listening to huge amounts of his amazing discography. Today it's a tie between Slum Village '2U4U' and Parliament 'Unfunky UFO'. This really changes all the time: I need to listen to at least 4-6 hours of music a day.
What Almighty are you?
Blood Orange ALL DAY! Honourable mention to Yuzu too. Love 'em.
What’s something people might not know about you?
My first job was as a vacuum cleaner salesman!
How do you balance it all?
Make time for your family and friends, always. Work hard. It helps to love the work you do! Oh, and make sure you get a good night's sleep after a long weekend - that is quite key for me after 25 years (!) of DJing.