- Make a sugar syrup of your choice (we did a barberry one and a winter citrus one, the guide would be to use what's in season).
To make the syrup, dissolve 1 cup white sugar in 1 cup of water over a low heat until dissolved. Add your flavour of choice and reduce until a syrup-like consistency. You can also leave whatever you are flavouring it with soaking in the water overnight before you boil it to infuse the flavour extra well!
- Put one big piece of ice in a glass (small ice dissolves easily and makes the drink watery too quickly, make the effort to make nice ice!!!)
- Add 1 single shot of syrup to glass
- Add 1 double shot of liquor of your choice (we used gin with barberry and rum with citris one)
- Top with about half a can of Almighty Blackberry Raspberry
- Gently Stir
- Garnish cutely!